Monday, April 27, 2009

Pink Light

Pink Light
8x10 Soft Pastel on Art Spectrum Color fix
by Tom Willa
$65 , $75 framed
April 27th the day after Arts Unlimited art show, it was a very comfortable location at the Taste of the Landing in Renton. We had space in a vacant commercial building with plenty of space. Everyone was most pleasant, the number of people was okay, the reality of showing at a combination event was no sales for us. Our 10x10 space was expanded to 15x10 which makes everyone a lot more comfortable. The hard part about a day like that is getting motivated to paint,again. This made me realize why I paint is to capture the beauty, presenting others with my view of loveliness. So that hurdle seem to vanish quickly and quietly this afternoon. The last couple of days I have been thinking about this painting while getting the framing done. So today I was very enthused about it. I actually did this sitting down on a very small board as an easel. I used a new set of faber-Castell 24 soft pastel Sticks basic colors which I picked up at Daniel Smith while getting framing supplies. I enjoyed painting the blossom on flat surface first because all the pigment stayed on the surface which allowed me to use some nu-pastels to blend them in. I worked the background keeping with the style of my tulip series which turned out pretty good. Finally I need to set up vertically on my easel to make some texture strokes, touch up and additional blending. I may add a few more paintings to the series because I enjoyed doing this paintin a lot and we went for a nice walk and saw some more really beautiful blossoms.

1 comment:

Miki Willa said...

I really like how this painting turned out. The details and texture are quite wonderful.
I know what you mean about getting motivated again after an event like Sunday. I am still working on that.